Dynamic Programming - Part 2


Is Dynamic Programming a process to find solution quicker?

Yes, it is, but the nature of the solution we are talking to is an optimal solution not the exact one. The principle of optimality applies if the optimal solution to a problem always contains optimal solutions to all subproblems. Take the following example:

Let us consider the problem of making N Rupees with the fewest number of Rupee coins.

Either there is a coin of value N Rupees (Exact Solution), or the set of coins making up an optimal solution for N Rupees can be divided into two nonempty subsets, n1 Rupees and n2 Rupees (Optimal Solution).

If any of the n1 Rupees or nRupees, can be made with fewer number of coins, then clearly N can be made with fewer coins, hence solution was not optimal.

Tell me more on Principle of Optimality

The principle of optimality holds if

Every optimal solution to a problem contains optimal solutions to all subproblems.

The principle of optimality does not say the following.

If you have optimal solutions to all subproblems then you can combine them to get an optimal solution

Example: If we have infinite numbers of coins of 1cents, 5 cents, 10 cents only then optimal solution to make 7 cents is 5 cents + 1 cent + 1 cent, and the optimal solution to make 6 cents is 5 cents + 1 cent, but the optimal solution to make 13 cent is NOT 5 cents + 1 cent + 1 cent + 5 cents + 1 cent

But there is a way of dividing up 13 cents into subsets with optimal solutions (say, 11 cents + 2 cents) that will give an optimal solution for 13 cents. Hence, the principle of optimality holds for this problem.

Let us see one example where Principle of Optimality does not hold.

In the following graph

The longest simple path (path not containing a cycle) from A to D is A->B->C->D. However, the sub path A->B is not the longest simple path from A to B (A->C->B is longer)

The principle of optimality is not satisfied for this problem. Hence, the longest simple path problem cannot be solved by a dynamic programming approach.